Privacy policy


The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to help you understand how your personal data is collected, processed and stored by Kamasutoys via the Kamasutoys Site understands that the protection of data and privacy is an issue for all users visiting the Site.

Kamasutoys undertakes, in accordance with the GDPR regulations, to respect your privacy and to protect your personal data, that is, likely to identify you directly or indirectly as a person.

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to present Kamasutoys’ commitments in this regard.


When using our Site, we may ask you to provide us with personal data concerning you.

The term "personal data" refers to all data that allow you to identify an individual, which includes your name, name, name, pseudonym, photograph, postal address and e-mail, titled of your post, telephone numbers, date of birth, data relating to your transactions on the Site, details of your purchases, bank card numbers, SIRET, intra-community VAT number, IP address, as well as to choose your subject.


The purpose of this Charter (hereinafter referred to as the "Chart") is to inform you of the means we are implementing to collect your personal data, with the strictest respect for your rights.

In this regard, we inform you that we comply, in the collection and management of your personal data, with Act No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on computers, files and freedoms, in its current version: the Computer and Liberty Act, as well as Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons in relation to the processing of personal data and to the processing of personal data in these cases.


The person responsible for collecting your personal data is Valentin Costesec, registered at the RCS in Montpellier under n°897 909 248, located 11 Impasse des Plaisanciers – 34110 Frontignan (named "We").


The legal basis for our collection of your personal data is:
- this collection is necessary in order to execute the contract concluded when you use our services on our Site - the legitimate interest when you voluntarily provide us with personal data during your visit to our Site, the data being then collected to allow us to better respond to your requests for information about our services.

Your personal data is collected to meet one or more of the following purposes:

  • Manage your access to certain services accessible on the Site and their user,
  • Carry out Customer Management Operations for Contracts, Invoices, followed by Relationship with Clients
  • Constitute a user file, customers and prospects,
  • Send newsletters, solicitations and promotional messages. In case you do not wish, we give you the ability to express your refusal to do so in the collection of your data,
  • Develop business statistics and frequentation of our services,
  • Organize competition games, lotteries and all promotional operations excluding money and online games subject to the approval of the Online Gaming Authority
  • Managing the management of people's opinions on products, services or content,
  • Customize the answers to your information requests,
  • Respect our legal and regulatory obligations. We inform you, when collecting your personal data, whether some must be mandatoryly informed or optional (by asterisks visible on the Site).

Why do we collect your data
personal ?

What is the legal basis for collecting your personal data for such a purpose ?

We collect your personal data to identify you when using our site and to send you personal data
messages related to the proper administration of our site (e.g. registration confirmation, site modification or
conditions of use etc...)

This treatment has as a legal basis the execution of the contract binding us upon your acceptance of our general terms and conditions at the time of the creation of its account

We collect your personal data to deliver your data

This treatment has as a legal basis the execution of the contract binding us upon your acceptance of our general terms and conditions at the time of the creation of its account

We collect your personal data in order to improve and optimize our site, for example by studying your behavior during your visit and drawing on its consequences in order to bring about
ergonomic changes and user experience.

This treatment has as a legal basis our legitimate interest in providing and improving the user experience of our visitors and members of our
the site.

We collect your personal data in order to understand what your preferences are and to offer you commercial offers corresponding to services/products similar to those already ordered.

This treatment has as a legal basis our legitimate interest in providing and improving the user experience of our visitors and members of our
the site.

We inform you, when collecting your personal data, whether certain data must be mandatoryly documented or optional.

Privacy policy


Have access to your personal data:

  • The staff of our society ;
  • Oversight Services (lawyer, accountant, etc.) ;
  • Our subcontractors (communication providers, productivity software providers, data hosting provider, payment service providers, billing providers, analysis and audience measurement providers, customer relationship management providers) ;
  • It may also be the recipient of your personal data to public bodies, exclusively to meet our legal obligations, judicial officers, departmental officers and debt recovery agencies.

With respect to customer and lead management data:
Your personal data will not be retained beyond the strict duration
necessary to manage our business relationship with you.
However, the data to prove a right or contract, to be
retained in respect of a legal obligation, will be retained for the duration provided by law in
vigour. With respect to potential customer prospecting operations, their data may be retained for a period of three (3) years from the end of the business relationship. Personal data relating to a prospect, non-customer, may be retained for a period of three (3) years from the date of collection or last contact from the prospector. At the end of this period of three (3) years, we will be able to contact you to find out if you wish to continue to receive commercial solicitations.

In the event of the exercise of the right of access or rectification, the data relating to identity documents may be retained during the period prescribed in section 9 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, one (1) year. In the event of exercising the right of opposition, such data may be archived during the limitation period provided for in section 8 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, three (3) years.

Financial transactions relating to the payment of purchases and fees through the Site are entrusted to a payment service provider that ensures the smooth running and security of the purchases.

For the needs of the services, this payment service provider may be required
recipient of your personal data relating to your bank card numbers, that it
collects and stores on our behalf and on our behalf. We do not have access to these data.
To allow you to make regular purchases or to pay related fees on the Site
your bank card data is stored during the time of your registration
on the Site and at least, until you realize your last transaction.
The data on the visual cryptogram or CVV2, entered on your bank card, are not

If you refuse that your personal data relating to your bank card numbers
be kept under the conditions specified above, we will not keep this data
beyond the time necessary to allow the realization of the transaction.
In any case, data relating to these data may be retained for a purpose of
evidence in case of possible dispute of the transaction, in intermediate archives, for the duration
under Article L133-24 of the Monetary and Financial Code, in this case thirteen (13) months after
flow date. This period may be extended to fifteen (15) months to take into account the possibility
use of deferred debit payment cards.
Concerning the management of opposition lists to be received from prospecting
The information to take your right of opposition into account is kept at
minimum three (3) years from the exercise of the right of opposition.
With regard to court measurement statistics:
The information stored in the user terminal or any other item used to identify
users and allowing their traceability or frequentation will not be retained
thirteen (13) months.


We inform you to take all necessary precautions, organizational and technical measures
appropriate to preserve the security, integrity and confidentiality of your data
and in particular, to prevent deformation, damage or non-third parties
allowed access. We will also use secure payment systems in compliance
The state of the art and the applicable regulations.


We inform you that your data is stored and stored for the duration of their data
prestashop's servers, located in the European Union.


Your data can be transferred outside the European Union as part of the tools we use
use and our relationship with our subcontractors.
This transfer is secured using the following tools:
Either these data are transferred to a country that has been deemed to offer a level of
adequate protection by a decision of the European Commission;
Either we have entered into a specific contract with our subcontractors in the form of transfers
of your data outside the European Union, on the basis of contractual clauses
type between a processing officer and a contractor approved by the Commission


In accordance with European data protection regulations
you have the following rights:
A right of access allowing you at any time to know if your personal data is
or are not processed by our services and when they are, to have access to these data
personal information and the information required by law regarding the processing of such data, a right of rectification allowing you, to request that the data be corrected in the
as soon as any inaccuracies concerning your personal data,
A right to erase, allowing you to request as soon as possible that your
personal data be deleted, provided that this request for deletion
meets the requirements of the applicable law
A right to limit the processing of your personal data, provided that
application for limitation meets the requirements of the applicable law,
A right to portability allowing you to receive your personal data in a format
structured, commonly used and machine-readable, or requesting that such data
personal information shall be transmitted to another person in charge of treatment, provided that
application for portability meets the requirements of the applicable law,
A right of opposition to the processing of your personal data for reasons related to
your particular situation provided that this opposition meets the requirements
by applicable law,
The right to withdraw at any time the specific consent given to the collection of your
personal data, especially when processing your personal data is used
commercial prospecting,
The right to define guidelines on conservation, erasure and disposal
communication of your personal data from your death.
You have the right to obtain the limitation of the processing of your personal data, in cases
defined in Article 18 of the GDPR
During the audit period that we implement, when you challenge
the accuracy of your personal data,
When processing this data is illegal, and you wish to limit this processing
rather than delete your data,
When we no longer need your personal data, but you wish
their conservation to exercise your rights,
During the legitimate reasons verification period, when you objected to
processing of your personal data.
It is recalled to persons whose data are collected on the basis of our interest
legitimate, that they may at any time oppose the processing of data concerning them. We
may, however, be required to continue the treatment if there are legitimate grounds for the treatment
treatment that prevails on your rights and freedoms or if the treatment is necessary to find out,
exercising or defending our rights to justice.
You can unsubscribe from our promotional emails via the link provided in emails. Even
if you choose not to receive promotional messages from us, you will continue
receive our administrative messages.


You have a right to the portability of personal data that you will have us
provided, heard as the data you have declared actively and consciously in
the framework for access and use of services, as well as data generated by your activity
as part of the use of services.
We remind you that this right does not relate to data collected and processed on another
legal basis that the consent or execution of the contract binding us.
This right can be exercised free of charge at any time, especially when closing your
account on the Site to collect and store your personal data.
In this context, we will send you your personal data, by any means deemed
useful, in a standard open format commonly used and readable by computer, in accordance with
the state of art.
In this context, we will send you your personal data, by any means deemed
useful, in a standard open format commonly used and readable by computer, in accordance with
the state of art.


You are also informed that you have the right to file a claim with a
competent supervisory authority (the National Commission on Informatique et Libertés pour la France),
in the Member State in which your habitual residence is located your place of work or the place where
the violation of your rights would have been committed, if you consider that the processing of your data to
the personal nature of this charter constitutes a violation of the applicable texts.
Such a remedy may be exercised without prejudice to any other remedy before a court
administrative or judicial. Indeed, you also have a right to a remedy
effective administrative or judicial if you consider that processing of your data
staff subject to this charter constitutes a violation of the applicable texts.


We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to amend this Charter at any time
in whole or in part.
These amendments will come into force as of the publication of the new charter.