Sextoy en Verre

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COUNCIL USE: Clean before use Essentially use a water-based lubricant Preferably place a condom...

Price €23.63

A storage pouch is available with the dildo.

Price €30.72

Available storage pouch

Price €34.49
  • -5%
  • -5%

Precautions of use: Clean before and after use Use a lubricant Store in a clean, dry and...

Price €33.46 €35.22

Precautions of use: Clean before and after use Use a lubricant Store in a clean, dry and...

Price €36.05

Precautions for use: Clean before and after use Use a lubricant Store in a clean, dry and...

Price €24.30

Precautions of use: Clean before and after use Use a lubricant Store in a clean, dry and...

Price €31.11

Precautions of use: Clean before and after use Use a lubricant Store in a clean, dry and...

Price €28.85

Raket glass plug 9 x 3 cm

The Raket glass plug is a sex toy designed with a beautiful form of rocket. It allows a pleasant...

Price €23.59

Butt Glow M 7 x 3.2cm

Phosphorescence activates after prolonged exposure to light. Instructions for use: Clean after...

Price €32.10

Instructions for use: Clean after each use Preferably with a water-based lubricant Store in a...

Price €18.22